Thirteen cheerleaders from Evans Middle School in Lubbock, Texas, are recovering from first- and second-degree burns on their hands after their coach allegedly forced them to perform bear crawls and crab walks on a scorching outdoor track. The punishment reportedly came after the eighth-grade “red” team performed a cheer at a football game that the coach found disrespectful.
According to reports, the incident took place around 2 p.m., and the temperature on the track exceeded 125 degrees. Despite the cheerleaders voicing their concerns about the heat, the coach allegedly dismissed them, forcing them to continue. Several of the girls experienced intense pain and some became physically ill, eventually seeking medical treatment for their injuries.

One of the cheerleaders’ mothers, Angel Thompson, recounted the horrifying moment when her daughter showed her hands after cheer practice, revealing burns that would require medical attention. “It was malicious. It was intentional,” claimed one anonymous parent, echoing the outrage shared by others.
Adding fuel to the fire, parents are accusing the coach of threatening the girls’ future in cheer if they didn’t complete the punishment. One of the injured cheerleaders was later treated at the University Medical Center burn unit.
In response to the allegations, Lubbock ISD released a statement confirming that the coach had been placed on administrative leave while the investigation continues. They expressed their concern for the injured students and reassured the community that the situation is being taken seriously. However, parents of the cheerleaders are pushing for criminal charges, stating that the punishment went too far and caused unnecessary harm.
You can read the full statement from Lubbock ISD:
“Lubbock ISD administration is aware of an incident at Evans Middle School involving a teacher’s disciplinary method that resulted in several students receiving burns on their hands. The teacher directed a group of students to perform “bear crawls” on the outdoor track, which was heated by the day’s high temperatures. This action resulted in multiple students being injured.
We are heartbroken over these events, as the safety and well-being of our students is our top priority. This type of incident does not reflect the standards or values of Lubbock ISD and Evans Middle School. We are addressing this matter with utmost urgency, and are fully committed to investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident. The teacher involved has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of this investigation.
We want to express our deep concern and regret for the pain and distress this has caused the students and their families. No child should ever be subjected to harm in a learning environment, and we are fully committed to ensuring that incidents like this do not happen again.
Lubbock ISD has policies in place regarding appropriate disciplinary actions, and any deviation from those standards is thoroughly reviewed. We want to assure our community that we are addressing this issue in accordance with district protocols and applicable laws. Our goal is to maintain a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for all students.”
The investigation is ongoing, but the Lubbock community is still reeling from the incident. As the story unfolds, many in the cheerleading world are discussing the broader issue of coaching practices and the line between discipline and abuse.
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