In a heartbreaking incident early Monday morning, Fire and Ice Allstars, a beloved cheer gym in Pittsburgh, was vandalized, leaving the facility in shambles. Owned by Kathy Long, the gym has been a beacon of hope and hard work for young athletes and their families for 19 years.
When Kathy Long opened the doors to Fire and Ice Allstars on Monday, she was met with a scene of complete destruction. “Our entire building was trashed,” Long recounted. Fire extinguisher dust covered everything, mirrors and windows were shattered, and trophies symbolizing years of dedication were thrown to the ground. Even the toilets were smashed, causing flooding throughout the gym. While the thieves took only $30 and a bag of candy, the emotional impact of the damage was immeasurable.
In true Fire and Ice spirit, the community quickly came together to support the gym. Within an hour of the discovery, over 50 parents and athletes arrived to help clean up the mess. “The more support we received from everybody, it’s like really hitting hard,” Long said, visibly moved by the overwhelming response.
Gym mom Ruby Valentine echoed the sentiments of many, highlighting the importance of preserving the gym’s history. Determined not to let the vandalism erase their memories, Valentine and other gym parents have been working to salvage and repurpose plaques and trophies. “We want to take the plaques off and get them repurposed onto a larger plaque so that we can still showcase all of the accomplishments of the gym,” Valentine explained.
Kathy Long shared her heartfelt reflections on the incident, expressing her deep sorrow and immense gratitude. “Walking into a place I spend more hours at than my own house and seeing everything ruined is something I hope no one else ever has to endure. This program is mine and Adlee’s everything. Seeing 19 years’ worth of hard work, sacrifice, and success just broken into pieces was so overwhelming,” she said.
Despite the devastation, Long remains hopeful. “Looking around and realizing everything will be okay because of the families that are at Fire and Ice and have been at Fire and Ice in the past.”
The path to recovery is challenging, with the cost of replacing the top layer of mats alone estimated at around $20,000. To support the gym’s restoration, the community has launched a GoFundMe page. The resilience and unity of the Fire and Ice Allstars family are evident as they come together to rebuild and emerge stronger than ever.
To help Fire and Ice Allstars recover, please visit their GoFundMe page and contribute to bringing this cherished gym back to its glory.
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